Yesterday was my birthday, and because he has such a hard time going to my ex on his visitation days, I decided not to enforce my "two hour visit on the other parents birthday" portion of our custody agreement (yes, my ex, a JW, insisted on having our son not only for 2 hours on our son's birthday but also for 2 hours on his birthday...I can't explain the madness). Anyway, when I called my ex to explain this to him and then asked to speak to our son. He got on the phone, I asked him if he was ok (having thrown the usual fit going with dad) and he said "yes...mommy will you come get me?" and there was my lump. I told him I "couldn't tonite, but I will come get you on Thursday and we'll go out to dinner for mommy's birthday" he cheered right up & said "no mommy, I want to make pasgetti"
It's Pasgetti nite tonite!!!